Fuji TVS Hood

Product Information
Fuji TVS Hood
When you grab a new TVS seat, your hand falls exactly where you think it should and, logically, FUJI has designed this seat so that you are in direct touch on BOTH sides of the blank with your grip in that position. Your thumb and forefinger naturally assume a “V” shape when grasping the rod and FUJI engineers have made those points the “windows” to the blank. TVS also has a new hood with a slight forward sweeping “bulge” that makes a huge difference in the way it feels in your hand. Combined, these two design improvements push TVS to the top of the spinning seat category. Like the PTS, this seat requires a 15 or 17mm insert (these seats are not “cored” like ACSM and ECSM seats) but for you “right brained” creatives out there, the insert can be carbon, aluminum, acrylic, wood or a handful of materials we haven’t even thought of yet. Build it up-locking.